Monday, August 12, 2013

Mina & Tony

                          Mina and Tony are magicians. They love to play with color creatures.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Jack sparrow_ 잭 스파로우

Jack and a strong warm design_ 잭과 힘쎈 지렁이 디자인

Jack wants to be a real pirate,but he is a allergic to the salt water
 and really afraid of worms. His father gave him a new sword,
 so he believes he can protect himself from his evil enemy.

잭 스파로우는 캐리비안 해적에 나오는 잭 스파로우(참새)를
 영감을 얻어  만든 캐릭터입니다.
해적이 되고 싶지만 소금물 알러쥐가 있고 힘쎈 지렁이를 무서워 하는 겁쟁이 참새지만
돈키호테처럼 자신은 강하다고 착각하는 진정한 착각쟁이 참새 입니다. *v*

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ti Paco_fox 티파코

                    His name is Ti Paco, a merchant. His age is 200 years old and lives
                    in a desert area. He is a Yeo- woo, most of his family and friends
                   want to live one area and don't like adventure.
                    But he was always one to be different.
                        티 파코입니다. 상인이며 나이는 200살인 티 파코는 사막에 살고 
                        있습니다. 호빗과 같이 남들이 모르는 지역에  조용히 사는 여우과
                         종족이지만 어릴때 부터 대 상인이 되어 모험을 하고 싶은 정말
                         특이한 성격입니다.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Forest fairies weapon: magic wand and spear, magic charm, and bids

                                Upi's bid--> Game playsers have to collect all of these bids.

                                                 Akai's spear            Kipi's wand

                                      Charm  design idea for their spear and wand 

Forest fairies; Kipi, Upi, and Akai.

Akai's sketch idea- water fairy

Uki and Akai's idea painting

Kipi's house idea painting

Birang idea and painting

Birang - waitress and assassin
She works in her uncle's Chinese restaurant. 
She only assassinates very dangerous people using 

Her weapons, Chopsticks and quiver.


Sirenia idea painting!

Sirenia idea painting . She is dangerous and beautiful creature.
When she sings a song,no man can escape from her.
 She can easily control the people's mind using her black magic.
Her name originated in Greek mythology Siren

                                                   Sirenia's front and back design

Painting of Gadria

Gadria- painting

            Gadria's forest - The boy Ren met her first time.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dryad and the boy's concept Ideas


Ringling Thesis: 2011. Animation Kite's charcter Yuna

Watch  my animation  -------> Kite
kite라고 색깔이 다른 부분을 누르면 애니메이션을 볼수있어요!

Concept Art 1.

                                                             Concept Art 2.

 Moments  1.

                                                                 Moments  2.


Yuna, A Korean girl, is very excited to show her mother what she has learned. All she wants is to make her mother proud because she loves her so much!
* Language: Korean
I didn't put English subtitle because I feel Yuna's story is understandable in the end regardless of language. I think not necessarily knowing what she is saying strengthens the end

My paintings with my love


love to paint beautiful things

Think about  a girl with a blue ribbon.
 It will match her eyes better than any color ribbon.  Just thinking ,wondering and drawing.